Sunday, July 17, 2011

We Heart Waco Farewell Tour - Diamondback's with the Green Group Girls

I'm constantly amazed at all the different ways God has of bringing people together. He has so many ways of creating families and so many ways of binding groups of friends. Sometimes we're adopted rather than born into families, and sometimes instead we inherit a group of friends instead of having to make them from scratch.

When Keith came into my life, I inherited a wonderful group of friends, including the amazing ladies pictured below. These women have been a kind of family to me in the last few years. They've loved me and laughed and cried with me. We've prayed together and celebrated together. From day one they made me feel like I belonged with them, like I was part of them. And on Thursday night, they gathered to send me on with joy to this next phase in life.

Courtney, Erin, Me, Sara, and Dawn

When I look at Courtney, I think of summer breezes, the smell of jasmine in the air. I picture a warm gathering under leafy vines, I glass of summer wine in my hand. Music fills the night and drops condense around the bottom of my glass and leave rings across the glass tabletop. I hear laughter. I feel relaxed and free and surrounded by love. I see Courtney's beautiful smile and I remember how she gathered all the women at her home before my wedding to help prepare me for another grand adventure.

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Erin makes me think of dusky quiet, a baby's downy head under my fingertips, whispered prayers. I feel a sweet peace and a deep longing. I smell that delicate, inimitable baby smell. Over two sleeping heads we speak softly about our days, we share stories, we pray for each other. I see Erin's lovely smile, and think of how she shared such a precious gift with me, bedtimes with her two beautiful baby girls, and no matter how harried her life as a new mother of twins might have been, she always wanted to hear about what was new in my life as well, and always included Keith and I in the prayer-time ritual.

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Sara brings to mind gatherings of familiar faces, cooking smells, the laughter of children. I see all of us, remember countless evening, circled around a heaping table, sharing meals and stories and lives. I feel warm and safe and home. I see Sara's graceful smile and think of how she gives a sense of home to everyone she encounters, how she brings beauty and love and creativity together, how she offers rest and stillness.

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Dawn reminds of long lunches, words spilling out of mouths in a jumble, the delicious feeling of sharing experiences out loud together, of being understood and known. I remember rushing back to the office, late, but refreshed and filled with new energy. I feel strong and inspired and encouraged. Dawn's radiant smile is boldness and life and grace itself. She gives me courage and hope and she makes me feel accepted just the way I am while constantly inspiring me to be better.

These girls have been home and family for me in Waco, and on Thursday night they gave me little pieces of Texas to take with me as I go. Little do they know just how much they've given me over the years, what a well of strength our time together has been and will continue to be for me, how much I will miss them.

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