Monday, July 25, 2011

We Heart Waco Farewell Tour - Schmaltz's

Moving on from a schmaltzy post to a post about Schmaltz's. Schmaltz's is an interesting phenomenon. It's one of those Waco places that you've either never heard of or you can't get enough of. Everyone who's had the opportunity to experience a sandwich from Schmaltz's loves it. And you'll hear everyone who's ever eaten there sing its praises loud and long.

But the first time you eat there, you'll wonder what the big deal is. Because it'll be (shrug) good (shrug) I guess. But it won't measure up to the amazingness you were expecting from all the hype. You'll enjoy it. And then you'll just quit thinking about it. For awhile.

Until one day. Suddenly. Maybe a week later. Or maybe several months later. Out of the blue. You will wake up with the most insatiable craving you've ever, ever experienced. For Schmaltz's. You must have Schmaltz's. Nothing else will do.

And at that time, you will smile. You will lick your lips. You will dip your sandwich into your cup of creamy-dreamy cheese soup. You will devour every last morsel. Every crumb. Every drop. And you will rave. And then you will (finally) understand.

Because it's absolutely the best thing you've ever tasted.

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