Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mmm...Not Really, No

We've been in a bit of a food rut lately. We pretty much cook exclusively from one of our three South Beach Diet cookbooks, with an online recipe sprinkled in here and there. Which means that, delicious as all of our tried and true South Beach favorites are, we recently realized we're eating the same things over and over again. And, frankly, we're getting a little bored with them. So, being the super-amazing-wife that I am, I swoop in and save the day by ordering one more brand new South Beach Diet cookbook.

It's strange how much excitement the purchase of a cookbook can bring. The obsessive research on Amazon, reading every review of the three South Beach cookbooks we still have yet to purchase, weighing the benefits of each of them, determining which one to order. Then the anticipation begins. Each new day could be the day the cookbook will arrive. Then, when it finally comes, the first thing I want to do is sit right down on the couch and read it cover to cover, salivating wildly over all the delicious new flavors I'm going to experience.

And then the planning begins. Picking out recipes, making grocery lists. Revising selections. Taking into account which vegetables and fruits are in season to ensure maximum freshness. Then shopping, then unloading, then storing.

Finally, it's Tuesday night. We've decided to make Gazpacho Salad with Scallops. And finally, finally, we get to execution. Slicing and dicing and juicing and sautéing and sprinkling and grinding and tossing and serving. We sit down with our plates, take the first glorious bite . . .and realize we've ended up with a bowl full of tomatoes and onions and a few vaguely fish-flavored chewy chunks. Not terrible, just . . .So. Not. Appetizing. Keith is fairly utilitarian about his food. He can live happily off of pretzels and beef jerky, so we he was fine. But this girl needs flavor. I ended up having to supplement the meal with a heaping side of Flaming Hot Cheeto's. Which is tasty, but, kind of defeats the healthy purpose?

I'm still excited about our new cookbook. The next meals we have slated are Roasted Pork with Sweet & Sour Cucumbers, and Butternut Squash Gratin, both of which look amazing and yummy. So we're giving it another chance. But you can be sure we will not be making the gazpacho salad again.


  1. So just to throw in another option, I am really in to this website these days. You might like it but it is more geared for WW so you would need to adapt for South Beach. ENJOY!

  2. Yummmm...thanks for tipping me off to it.
