Friday, October 8, 2010

I Love My iPad, But...

Having an iPad is wonderful, but it also means you're never really "off", never officially disconnected. Emails keep pinging, and work follows you home, and sorry not now I'm in my car is no longer an acceptable excuse when your iPad works perfectly well in the car and you can easily pull over, or even type on it while driving if you're really careful.

Which is how I ended up on my lunch break, huddled in the back booth at a restaurant, furiously scribbling on postcards in between scalding hot bites of a veggie burrito trying to finish notes to my Sunday School kids that I promised I'd get around to doing sometime back in August. Notes with frayed edges and slightly dog-eared corners, crinkled and a little worse for wear, because they've been banging around in my purse for six weeks, because I keep telling myself the next time I get a few free seconds I'm going to take care of those, but I just never did, because I just never do (have a few free seconds), and oh my gosh, I am one of those people who just needs to spend time being still and quiet and I don't really feel like I've been doing enough of that over the past few days. Or weeks. Or even months.

And it's really stressing me out.


  1. Solutions!

    a) There's a nifty little button at the top that when you hold it long enough, you can swipe the screen and the iPad turns off! Revolutionary!

    2) Disconnect your work email from the device! It's a Fun Only device!

    pi) Give your iPad to me!

  2. Would that I could, but all three of those options are harder to justify when your boss *gave* you the iPad.

  3. Here's where boundaries can be a great thing! The IPAD is great practice for using this skill in all aspects of life. I believe in you, go for it!!

  4. Just turn it off. Do you think your life is really any better as a result of it? And there is no such thing as texting while driving that is safe. Reeeeeally careful is still negligent and dangerous.
