Thursday, November 11, 2010

2011 Calendar Update

I wasn't able to hold out as long as I thought. Two weeks ago I chose the two calendars I wanted to commit a whole year of my life to (this one and this one), and I ordered them. They arrived at the end of a really long, really stressful day at work, just the pick-me-up I needed. I tore into the familiar brown Amazon box and pulled them out slowly, reverently, only to be met with...

Disappointment! Turns out I need to pay more attention to the size measurements when I order calendars online. Because they are both small. Really, really small. With little tiny squares barely big enough to write initials on. I love marking my calendars with appointments, reminders and special occasions. These squares are so small, I'd have to come up with acronyms for every single event. KRBD (Keith Reich's Birthday), DSWPDC (Diana Smith's Wedding in Playa Del Carmen), RCFB (Remember to Clean Fan Blades). Not nearly as much fun, and I'd probably never remember what anything stood for.

Keith watched quietly as my expression went from hopeful anticipation to morose despondence and put a sweet, comforting hand on my shoulder. And then he laughed at me. Because he thinks it's so funny that I can get so excited and then so sad about something as small and silly as a calendar. And I reminded him that part of the reason he married me is that I can take pleasure in simple things, and thus am usually easy to please. Then I decided, grudgingly, that I could make do with the calendars, small as they are. Because they are pretty. And they've already been paid for.

And then, yesterday, Keith told me that he'd ordered part of my Christmas present and he wanted to give it to me early. I was, as always, amenable to that. So I closed my eyes and he placed a large, flat envelope in my hands. And it was this. My old faithful stand-by. The calendar that's seen me through years and years and years. The Mary Engelbreit calendar. And it's big. And the squares have plenty of space for me to write as many words as I want. And I'm reminded how nice it is to have things you can count on. 

Like calendars that are consistently awesome every year. And incredibly thoughtful husbands.

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