Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My iPhone: A Resurrection Story

Confession:  Every once in a while (I swear, not that often, just when I desperately need a little brain break, and some peace, and quiet), just every once in a while, I will slip into the bathroom at work, with my iPhone secreted away in my back pocket, pull up my crossword puzzle app, and work a few (really, just a tiny few) clues before going back to my desk.  And, seriously, I know it's technically a time-cheat, but it's a tiny time-cheat, right?  One to two minutes tops scattered here and there.  It's not a big deal.  Nothing like all those people out there who blog when they should be working.

Well, it seems some sort of cosmic force, some karma or comeuppance, decided that it is a big deal, because yesterday, I sneaked into the bathroom at work with my iPhone secreted away in my back pocket, and it somehow managed to swan-dive out of said pocket and into the toilet.  Deep into the toilet.  Way, way down into that little tunnel that leads to the plumbing.  Lodged into that tunnel that leads to the plumbing.  I was up to my shoulder in (thankfully, clean) toilet water trying to pry it out.

And my iPhone?  Was toast.  By the time I had it fished out the screen was flickering and water was pouring from every crack and crevice.  By the time I had it dried off the screen was black.  The rest of my day was an iPhone-bereft fog.  Called husband.  Freaked out.  Waited for him to bring crappy old phone from home.  Dried-off SIM card from fried iPhone managed to work in crappy old phone from home.  Beautiful, beloved iPhone wouldn't even try to turn on.  Pouted.  Hoped.  Despaired.  Pouted some more.

And yet.  And yet.  I just couldn't give up on it.  I left it alone.  I let it rest.  I let it dry.  And then, I plugged it in this morning, turned it on and, miraculously, my precious iPhone had been resurrected!  I returned the SIM card to its proper home and was able to make and receive calls.  Apps worked.  Screen worked.  Internet connection worked.  It turns out, iPhone's are surprisingly resilient little marvels.  Lesson learned?  No more time-cheats at work, not even really short completely innocent ones.  They're just not worth losing an iPhone over.

In other news:  Is anyone else surprised to learn that the correct past-tense for sneak is sneaked?  Really spell-check?  Not snuck?  Are you sure?

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