Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Reichs

Here at the close of 2011 we’re still reeling a little at all the change and adventure that one little year has brought to our lives. January found us crossing fingers and toes as Keith’s job search continued plodding along and we contemplated the possibility that we could end up, literally, anywhere. Meanwhile, we were deepening our already extensive roots in Waco and living a wonderful, rich, full life.

In April Keith accepted a job as Assistant Professor of Religion & Philosophy at Chowan University in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. A frenzy of activity followed as we navigated all the joys and pitfalls of moving across the country: selling a house, finding a new one, packing furiously, and of course, saying “farewell for now” to life in Texas.

August was the month of the move. Keith left Waco in a giant moving truck with four cats and everything we owned at the beginning of the month. I stayed behind to see a few work commitments through and followed him out a couple weeks later.

Since then, we've been busy building our new life in a quiet corner of a quaint and quirky, pine-studded town in northeastern North Carolina. We’ve been blessed with some wonderful new friends and we’re enjoying the peaceful-yet-constant hum of a very friendly and very active and very small town. Keith absolutely adores his new job and I couldn't be happier continuing to work for Waco-based Golden Acres from my new office in our home.

We’re winding up the year by (finally) slowing down (a little) and preparing hearts and minds for the joy of Christmas. We hope the year has brought you as many rich blessings as you can handle with even more to come in 2012.

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas,

Brooke & Keith

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