Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quick Update from North Carolina

First of all...we're here! We officially live in Murfreesboro North Carolina now!

Hi from our back patio in North Carolina!
We are in, but I wouldn't exactly say we are "settled" quite yet. Still boxes everywhere, though we have a maze-like bit of path cleared here and there so we can weave our way from room to room. Keith's first day was yesterday. Many meetings, some orientation, a fair amount of meet and greet. Then he'll start teaching next Tuesday. A week from today...amazing!

Keith's first day as Assistant Professor of Religion at Chowan University
I am on day two of working from my home office and I think it's really going to agree with me. I love looking out my window at cotton fields and pine trees, watching birds and squirrels and even deer dart by. We have been told there is a red-tailed fox that frequents our little corner, so I'm keeping eyes peeled.

My first day Working from Home! Yeah!!!
There is much more to come. I have many, many words right now. The drive to North Carolina was pretty amazing. Saying goodbye (for now at least) to Texas was poignant and bittersweet. I need to process it all out, so you'll all (all three of you) get the benefit of my psychological processing via blogging. Lucky, aren't ya?

I'm also going to continue blogging through our We Heart Waco Farewell Tour retroactively. We managed to get to all the places on my list, I just haven't had time to type up all the posts.


  1. Looks pretty good to me! Can't wait to get there. Tell Keith to get the inlaws room ready!

  2. Love it! Make sure the in law suite has a spot for me to put the pack n play for when we visit :) I am thrilled for you guys and the new chapter of life you are beginning!
