Monday, February 8, 2010

Praise and Pleading

It's all happening so fast.  Wednesday night we were crossing fingers and toes, waiting on pins and needles and considering kitty sacrifice.  By Thursday we were dancing with glee and over the weekend more and more things continued to fall into place.  And now we are moments away from making it official...on March 4th Professor Reich will officially become Dr. Reich and I will be Mrs. Dr. Reich.  Cheers!

All dissertation chapters are approved by all essential persons involved and there are just a few more formalities to observe, then the dissertation defense on March 4th.  In other good news, Keith has his first (of many, hopefully) phone interview for a professorial position.  This one's in North Carolina.  Small school, small town, looks promising.  We'll see.

So now begins the pleading.  Please let everything between now and March 4th go smoothly.  No hiccups, no wrinkles, no last minute problems.  Please let there be jobs available.  Please let the interviews go well.  And please let it all end with the right job.  In the right place.  Somewhere we can fall in love with and sink roots into.  Somewhere we will want to make a life.  Please let us have peace and trust that we are being guided and directed for a good purpose.  Please let us take advantage as much as we can of the time we have left with friends we love, and a church we love, and a town we love (to the astonishment of many).  And above all else, always, always, please let us keep growing, and loving, and seeking, and learning, and living in awe and wonder and grace.


1 comment:

  1. Yay for Dr. Reich!!! THis is great!!! I'm so happy for you both! Give him my luck for his interview!
